Is Ohio a One Buck State?

Yes, only one antlered deer may be taken per person in a season. The ONLY way to legally harvest more than one antlered buck is to pay to hunt on a high-fenced hunting preserve. Once inside those fences, the Division of Wildlife laws do not apply.

What is Considered an Antlered Deer in Ohio?

In Ohio, a deer is considered antlered if it has 3 inches of antler on at least one side. This is a pretty minimal amount of antler so be sure to confirm your target before you release an arrow or pull the trigger.

What Happens If I Accidently Shoot a 2nd Antlered Deer?

If you make the mistake of shooting a second antlered deer, you need to contact your local game warden. The situation in which the harvest happened will dictate the outcome. Charges could very well be filed so again, it’s best to confirm your target.

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